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What's New in MightyMeld Beta 0.4

· 3 min read
Lotanna Nwose

Today, we're excited to announce a few new product updates we have been working on at MightyMeld throughout the month of March. All of it was focused on improving the MightyMeld experience. Let’s get into it:

Enhanced AI Support

We have made the AI experience even smoother by adding two new features that make your development process more efficient than ever. A retry button for your prompts makes it fast to experiment. Simply hit retry when the AI doesn't quite hit the expected mark. We also added a history feature that stores your last few AI prompts so you do not have to type it all out again next time you need it.

Tailwind Autocomplete for Windows

We're happy to announce that the popularly requested Tailwind autocomplete feature is now fully available and works flawlessly on Windows, enhancing your development process.

If you do not already see it in action, upgrade your project by running npm i @mightymeld/runtime@latest and you will.

Text Node Editing

Editing text has never been easier. Now, if you double-click on any text node, you can swiftly make changes to it.

New CLI Commands

Introducing two new time-saving commands: npx mightymeld tutorial and npx mightymeld sample. These handy shortcuts fetch MightyMeld git repos, set them up, and install their dependencies swiftly. Thus, allowing you to get started with MightyMeld with only one command, whether you want to start out with a sample project npx mightymeld sample or follow through with our interactive starter tutorial npx mightymeld tutorial

Effortless Secrets Management

No need to manually run npx mightymeld secrets anymore while setting up your MightyMeld project. Running npx mightymeld now automatically fetches the secrets file if it's missing.

Improved Tag Editor

The MightyMeld studio now ensures that only valid characters are accepted by the tag editor, keeping your code clean and error-free.

Bug Fixes and Other Enhancements

We've also fixed several issues to ensure a seamless user experience:

  • a bug causing elements inserted as the first child to appear above the parent.
  • the issue of undo not functioning correctly on Windows.
  • prevented the canvas from zooming in when the entire browser is zoomed.
  • npx mightymeld tailwind now exits properly, providing a smoother experience for users.
  • a bug that creates an empty tailwind.config.js file even when a tailwind.config.ts file already exists.

All these updates ensure that you have a great experience using MightyMeld. Do stay tuned for more exciting updates, and as always, feel free to share your feedback with us on Discord. Happy coding!