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9 posts tagged with "dev tools"

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· 2 min read
Lotanna Nwose

It's been over a month since MightyMeld’s open beta launched. We've been surprised at the turnout and have learned tons. We are so grateful for the community's support.

Along with finding and fixing many small bugs, feedback has guided us to make some small improvements to the developer experience. Along with these updates, we are proud to announce a few new convenience features that are now live.

· 5 min read
Steven Schkolne
Daniel Worthington

The browser is almost the perfect development environment. It’s amazing how you can poke around and inspect your app while it’s running. But there’s a catch. What you see is not nearly as deep as it could be. The browser operates on the DOM which is often miles away from your actual code.

The Peak Web Dev Experience

Could things be different? A cursory glance at native development environments indicates there’s more to be had:

· 5 min read
Steven Schkolne

The Land Beyond

Some hills are so steep they seem endless. So has it been for the web development community—longing for a visual way to build front ends that harmonizes with real, evolving code.

Today I’m excited to announce the open beta of MightyMeld, a dev tool that does just that, for front ends of unbounded complexity, with complete authenticity to source code. We designed MightyMeld to be simple to set up, architecturally agnostic, and work on any existing React web app.